We all must have heard this song at some time or other where a child is being asked what will he become when he grows up. Her mother wants him to be doctor and his father want him to be an engineer and so on...
When I think back at my childhood, I fail to remember what I wanted to become. Well, I never thought myself to be a software quality guy or anything related to software by any means. It is so strange that I have reached to wherever which I did not at all thought about. From childhood, I never knew where I want to be or what do I want to become. I was just running in the race not knowing the milestone or the final destination.
That is why when I am here, I feel that this is not the real destination.
And with such a not-so-actual destination achieved, my soul is still searching for "the real" destination.
And I am kind of lost...
Well actually I am still lost...
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I can also relate to it...
During my school time, it was very hard for me think about a real goal I wanted to achieve... I was good in Maths and opted for Non-Medical :)
Most of the times, Non-Medical means "Engineering" as next milestone...
After +2, a new race started to get admission in B.Tech... n finally reached in 'virtual' world of Softwares...
Till date I am not able to tell my Grandparents about the type of work I do...
Mine was totally different. I wanted to become a teacher initially, so everday i used to teach my friends whatever i learnt i school playing "school-school". When i grew up, i thought to be a doctor but i got unconcious one day when i saw medical students doing some rat dissection in bio lab...so i dropped that plan. thought to be an astronaut, but later i realized i might have to live alone for years in space if i become succesful :p
But from all these and few other options, i had never even imagined myself as what i am today- Never thought to be software engineer :)
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